At the design stage of Industrial and Chemical wastewater treatment plants, a treatment plant is designed as a result of the samples taken from the wastewater from the plants. High COD ratios such as high amount of oil and grease, pH, color and heavy metals are encountered in the wastewater generated industrially.
Generally, coagulation, flocculation and neutralization units are designed for the treatment of chemical waste water.
In the design of industrial wastewater treatment plants, plant designs are made by considering the chemical substances and their ratios in the wastewater.
Industrial and chemical wastewater needs to be treated with some important treatment processes before it is reused and discharged. Industrial waste water treatment systems and facilities are required to remove pollutants and to meet the discharge limits of the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, WPCR (Water Pollution Control Regulation) standards of the organizations that generate wastewater. Wastewater treatment also helps organizations save money by reusing water in their industrial processes and minimizing waste treatment costs.
Endüstriyel atıksu arıtma sistemleri; Mezbaha atıksu arıtma tesisleri, Kesimhane atıksu arıtma tesisleri, süt işleme arıtma tesisleri, meyve işleme arıtma tesisleri, balık işleme arıtma tesisleri, tekstil ve boyahane arıtma tesisleri, petrol ve maden arıtma tesisleri, organize sanayi bölgeleri arıtma tesisleri, boya arıtma tesisleri, fabrika arıtma tesisleri, sanayi sitesi arıtma tesisleri, tren yıkama ve bakım arıtma tesisleri, atolye ve tamirhane arıtma tesisleri, alüminyum atıksu arıtma tesisleri gibi bir çok arıtma tesisinde kullanılmaktadır.