Dairy Plants Wastewater Treatment Systems; Our company, which is an expert in its field, has experience in the treatment of process-sourced dairy industry wastewater such as milk processing plants, ayran, yoghurt, pasteurized, curd and cheese production, cream production.
Dairy Facilities Wastewater Treatment ; It is one of the wastewaters with intense pollution and oil content. Design should be made according to the relevant discharge area. Appropriate selection of treatment equipment and process becomes much more important in milk processing and integrated facilities. In the physical treatment process at the facilities, solids and oil must be kept in the entrance structure without being transferred to the entire facility.
Dairy facilities wastewater treatment systems and integrated facilities are facilities in the food industry industry and are of different types. For this reason, the amount of water consumed and the amount of wastewater generated in milk processing and integrated facilities may differ. The amount of waste water consumed and generated varies depending on the products produced, the density and the technology used in the facility, whether the waste water is reused in the process, whether the blood resulting from slaughter is collected or not, whether the internal organs mix with the wastewater.
- Biological oxygen demand (BOD)
- Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
- pH
- Cl-
- SO4
- Nitrogen (Total, NH3, NO2, NO3)
- Phosphorus
- Grease and oils
- Detergents
- Heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Cr, Zn),
- Toxic substances (phenols, CN-, insecticides)